Sketch of Light
Located at the 3rd Ring Road and adjacent to CCTV’s new site, the Cloud Office, given its prominent location at the heart of Beijing’s CBD and its status as a headquarters for investment companies, demands a design that differentiates it from ordinary office buildings. Sitting in a financial hub, overlooking the city from the office, one should be inspired by such a great view, and imbued with courage, ambition and vision.
Thus, the design aims to achieve such a perspective from both physical and spiritual aspects. Since the office building is oriented towards the Northwest, the diffused reflection and refraction of light are called into full play. A staggered layout of glass partitions with clouds print are also used to create a rich and changeable sense of layering for the space. The transparent glass in the gap allows for a transparent view, fostering an atmosphere of being surrounded by clouds. The cloud patterns on the glass partitions are elaborately calculated, so that those patterns of high density can block the view, while the more scattered patterns at the higher levels allow daylight to be reflected into the inner space from the ceiling. Both purposes are achieved simultaneously, in terms of atmosphere and functionality.
The space is dominated by white and gray color tones, with light the most important element in the space. Through the treatment of optical media, the space’s depth and breadth are perceived. It is our intent to enable the client to perceive such “ultimate competition” at the spiritual level, and boundless extension at the psychological level.
DESIGNER:Sun Dayong、Chris Precht